What immunisations should you get?

We all need to make sure we keep up to date with recommended vaccinations, and you can also opt to be immunised against influenza (the flu).

If someone has missed their vaccinations, then they need to develop a catch-up plan. Making sure you're up to date helps protect both you and your children, as well as any newborn babies and vulnerable people you come into contact with.

Why do you need them?

Immunisation is a simple and effective way to protect people against the flu and other diseases that can make you seriously ill and sometimes cause death.2

Some people think of the flu as a bad cold, but it can be much more serious – it causes thousands of hospitalisations every year in Australia .3,4

When enough of us are immunised, we help stop the disease from spreading and in some instances can eventually wipe the disease out for good in Australia.2

When do you need to get them?

The immunisation schedule tells us when children should have their routine immunisations, and they can have the flu vaccine after six months of age.5 To get the most protection from flu vaccinations, get it as soon as it's available each year or in early autumn (around March to April), before the flu season begins.4 Typically the Australian flu season occurs between July and October, and peaks in August.4

After you have been vaccinated, it takes two to three weeks for protection to build up, so the sooner, the better. Some evidence suggests the optimal time to get vaccinated is in May, however you should consult your healthcare professional regarding the timing of your annual flu vaccination as the flu season can be different from year to year.4


How often do they need to be updated?

Although many of the routine vaccinations protect us for decades, we need to be vaccinated against the flu every year, as each flu season brings different strains of the virus.4,5

What if immunisation leads to fever?

After an immunisation, some children develop a mild fever. It doesn't mean they're sick, but it shows that their immune system is learning how to recognise and destroy the virus or bacteria they were immunised against.6

However, the fever can make children uncomfortable. A product containing ibuprofen, a common antipyretic (which reduces fever) and analgesic (which reduces pain) may be appropriate. Nurofen for Children contains ibuprofen and helps reduce your child's temperature. If they're very unwell, check with your doctor.

Although immunisation can't help protect us from viruses that can cause colds, modern science does help protect our children from many distressing and serious diseases. Keeping up to date with immunisations helps our families stay healthy during the cooler months – and all year round.3

This article is for general information only and not intended as a substitute for medical advice. All information presented on these web pages is not meant to diagnose or prescribe. In all health-related matters, always consult your healthcare professional.

Always read the label and follow the directions for use.



  1. Mallory ML, et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2018;142(1): 64–66.
  1. Orenstein WA and Ahmed R. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2017;114(16):4031–4033.
  2. Chow EJ, et al. Critical Care 2019;23:214.
  3. Australian Government. Department of Health 2020. National Immunisation Program Schedule Available from: https://www.health.gov.au/health-topics/immunisation/immunisation-throughout-life/national-immunisation-program-schedule (accessed 12 Apr 2020).
  4. Costantino V, et al. Vaccine 2019;37:6768–6775.
  5. Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG). InformedHealth.org [Internet] 2019. Fever in children: Overview. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK279455/ (accessed 8 Apr 2020).